Information on the conciliation bodies in accordance with § 214 VVG and on participation in the dispute settlement procedure in accordance with § 36 Consumer Dispute Settlement Act
For the out-of-court settlement of disputes, the following arbitration bodies can be called upon. Pursuant to Section 17 (4) of the Insurance Mediation Ordinance, we are obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before the following consumer arbitration bodies:
Versicherungsombudsmann e. V.
Postfach 08 06 32
10006 Berlin
Ombudsmann for private health and long-term care insurance
Postfach 06 02 22
10052 Berlin
Online-Streitbeilegungsplattform in accordance with Art. 14 Para. 1 Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find at:
Consumers have the option of using this platform for out-of-court settlement of their disputes regarding contractual obligations.
Complaints management
If you are dissatisfied with our services, please contact us. Your contact person for complaints is first the responsible employee and otherwise then our managing director Thorsten M. Kuhr (e-mail: thorsten.kuhr(at) The processing of complaints has top priority for us and we will get back to you in a timely manner. If you have any complaints about our activities, please contact our complaints office:
Telefon: +49 (0) 81 04 / 89 16-0
For financial services transactions, there is also the following arbitration office:
beim Verband unabhängiger Vermögensverwalter Deutschland e. V.
Stresemannallee 30
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69 660550 10
Fax: +49 69 660550 19
Professional regulations:
- § 34d Gewerbeordnung
- §§ 59-68 VVG
- VersVermV
The professional regulations can be viewed and accessed via the homepage operated by the Federal Ministry of Justice and juris GmbH.